Seababies Adventures Series

The Series

Whimsea cover new thumbnail  seamore cover new thumbnail  Cupcake cover new thumbnail

Available through Ronesa’s Webstore.

Or purchase Whimsea Wishes Upon a Star through a Retail Store.

Purchase Seamore Sees More through a Retail Store.

Purchase Cupcake’s Heroic Day through a Retail Store.

If you’d like your local bookstore or library to order a copy, please provide them with the ISBN.

  • Whimsea Wishes Upon a Star Ebook (ISBN 978-1-949397-29-1)
  • Seamore Sees More Ebook (ISBN 978-1-949397-32-1)
  • Cupcake’s Heroic Day Ebook (ISBN 978-1-949397-35-2)
  • Whimsea Wishes Upon a Star Paperback (ISBN 978-1-949397-28-4)
  • Seamore Sees More Paperback (ISBN 978-1-949397-30-7)
  • Cupcake’s Heroic Day Paperback (ISBN 978-1-949397-33-8)
  • Whimsea Wishes Upon a Star Hardback (ISBN 978-1-949397-27-7)
  • Seamore Sees More Hardback (ISBN 978-1-949397-31-4)
  • Cupcake’s Heroic Day Hardback (ISBN 978-1-949397-34-5)

Whimsea Wishes Upon a Star

Whimsea, a charming little mermaid, is full of energy and love. She desperately wants to be a cheerleader and has practiced and practiced until she knows the routines. But something goes wrong, and everyone looks at her funny. It takes a wise old turtle to explain to Whimsea why she is different from the other mermaids. She learns that different can be cool and something she can be proud of.

Seamore Sees More

Seamore, a little crab with googly eyes, is facing the biggest challenge of his life today. He’s trying out for soccer, but, oh, that net seems so far away, and he has to squint to see it. With Whimsea’s support, Seamore overcomes his fear of being made fun of.

Cupcake’s Heroic Day

Jellyfish Cupcake is excited to be a finalist in the annual bakeoff competition. Her desserts are the rave of MerrowLand. Taunting fish and a cry for help may squash her dream of winning, however. Cupcake learns that things that make her different are not a shortcoming, but an advantage.

seababies pin logoThe books bring awareness to challenges common during childhood. Everyone has a story about one or more difficulties they’ve overcome as a child. They may not seem overwhelming to us now, but as a child, they may have been traumatic and caused fear of being ridiculed by other children.

Losing your front teeth and not being able to pronounce some words correctly. Having to wear glasses or braces. Moving to a new state (or country) and being “different” from the rest of the kids in your class. If you were lucky, you found friends who supported and encouraged you.

The Seababies Adventures was inspired by these challenges. Each story brings awareness to a childhood problem. The tales teach children to value friendships and teamwork and that it is okay to be unique. I use sea creatures to tell these stories, not only because of my love of the ocean, but also as a way to introduce young readers to ocean life.


Kickstarter Campaign Project Backers

Here are all the wonderful people who backed our Kickstarter campaign, plus others who preferred to remain anonymous. We greatly appreciate your support of this project.

Owen M.
Joanna Mazurkiewicz
Melissa Showers
Rhonda Hopkins
Ariana Rosenberg
Sylva Fae